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Welcome to Mrs. Beilman's Classroom!


My name is Mrs. Janell Beilman.  I am one of your 5th grade teachers for the

2015 - 2016 school year.  I teach both math and spelling.  To learn more about each of these subjects, be sure to click on the links above.


Our classroom will be implementing a fun behavior system this year!  The system, known as Class Dojo, will allow each student, as well as, their parents see both the positive and negative behaviors the student is choosing each day.  After viewing the behaviors being recorded, students will be encouraged to make an increasing amount of positive behavior choices.  The more postive choices made, the more points the student will earn.  Students reaching various point goals, will be rewarded with fun activities.


In addition to Class Dojo, I feel it is important that all students understand the behavior expectations as well as the consequences for not meeting these expectations.  Therefore, the following behavior plan will be used.  Each family (parent(s) & student) is required to read, sign and return this plan by the end of the first week of school.  The rules and consequences stated in the behavior plan will be referred to throughout the school year as the need arises.


I look forward to getting to know each of you!  It is going to be a GREAT school year filled with many GREAT days to be a Wilson Warrior!



Mrs. Beilman

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